Colombia | Weeden Creek

Light Roast

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The big and sweet aroma leads to sweet citrus flavor with notes of berry and cedar. This Colombia coffee has a light body, yet the finish is extremely bright with long pronounced acidity. One of our favorite cups of coffee, especially crafted as an Americano.

Colombia FTO Cauca ACEC is sourced from family-owned farms organized around the Asociación de Caficultores Ecológicos del Cauca (ACEC), which has 500 members (80 women) who live in the municipalities of Popayán within the department of Cauca, Colombia. 

Certified Organic by MOSA


Flavor Profile: Citrus  |  Berry  |  Cedar
Method: Fully washed  |  Sun-dried  |  Grade 1
Producers: Asociación de Caficultores Exológicos del Cauca 
Origin: Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
