Weeden Creek Origin Stories
For many of us, coffee is a habit—something we barely think about as we brew a cup each morning. But that daily ritual can have a powerful impact. That's why Torke Family Coffee Roasters started the Weeden Creek line.
Our Weeden Creek products are sourced from small, family-run farms and co-ops. Our passion for sustainable and ethical sourcing is reflected in each of our products, which are all certified fair trade and organic. Each bag of beans also has a unique story adding to the flavor and character of the brew. Here, we give some background on the exceptional places that make up the Weeden Creek line. Can we tempt you with a taste?
Our Colombian coffee comes from a collective of farms in the southwestern part of the country surrounding the municipality of Popayán. The collective, called the Asociación de Caficultores Ecológicos del Cauca (ACEC), values ecological sensitivity and women's empowerment. In fact, of the 500 members, nearly a quarter are women-owned farms. Our light roast is packed with bright citrus flavors and topped with berry and cedar notes.
La Barista
La Barista is a medium-roasted blend, but most of the beans come from Brazil's Nossa Senhora de Fatima farm. Ricardo de Aguiar Resende and his wife Gisele run the show and are third-generation coffee farmers. Their expertise applies to the exquisite taste of their coffee and their thoughtful farming practices. Along with coffee shrubs, the couple has prioritized environmental preservation by replanting native trees and other flora on their 395 hectares (roughly 976 acres). Experience the taste of Brazil with this full-bodied and well-balanced coffee.
Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, and the farmers there know how to grow an excellent bean. The Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU) has connected over 45,000 farmers and was founded to keep small farms in business. The union empowers families to continue in their traditional line of business while increasing their standard of living. Each participating cooperative elects members to the YCFCU and collaborates on decisions about pay, equipment, and farming practices. Our Ethiopian coffee is a medium roast with balanced fruit tones and tannins.
We source our Nicaraguan coffee from the collective of farms that make up COMULFAC (Cooperativa Multifunciónal Family Coffee). The participating farms decorate the mountains and valleys of Nicaragua, and the collective was started to help farmers collaborate, share resources, and improve their communities. For example, the co-op has a shared micro-mill that allows the farmers to process the coffee cherries with meticulous care. Our Nicaraguan coffee is roasted to a nutty, chocolatey perfection that any dark-roast fan will adore.
Peru has a long history of empowering coffee co-ops, so the Cooperativa Agroecológica Industrial Juan Santos Atahualpa (Atahualpa Co-op) is in good company. Dedicated to sustainable farming practices, the Atahualpa Co-op encourages ecologically sensitive farming and works to improve the socioeconomic position of coffee farmers and their families. Our Peruvian coffee is a light-medium roast that boasts floral and fruity flavors that work well as a drip coffee or Americano.
Why Fair Trade and Organic?
Coffee plants only grow in tropical environments, and we can say firsthand that the Midwest is far from tropical. So, to satisfy our caffeine habit, we ship coffee beans from afar. When sourcing products from other countries, we care about the coffee's quality and the farmers' experience.
Our Weeden Creek coffee is fair trade and organic, meaning no harmful pesticides or herbicides were used during farming, and the workers were paid fair wages. In fact, our entire Weeden Creek line is certified organic by MOSA (the Midwest Organic Services Association).
Are you ready to experience the rich, bold flavors of our Weeden Creek line? Discover our full range of products and join us in giving back to our community.

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